I AM here for YOU as a guide, coach, and mentor to leaders and companies seeking to upgrade their operating system from Type A to Type BE. I am here to help you get unstuck and creatively flowing with all the passion you are here to experience. Our goal together, is to get you living in “Right Relation”, a shamanic term for living a life of alignment and integrity with our truest self. It is in this space that all the magic happens.
I’ve spent 7+ years and over $100,000 learning from top teachers, coaches, and wisdom keepers all over the world. I have made it my mission to bring these teachings to you.
7 Upgrades in Becoming Type
Type A
Hu$tle & Grind
Anxiety & Worry
Chasing Outcomes
Fighting for Control
Scarcity & Competition
Fear of Failure
Needing More
Type BE
Alignment & Integrity
Peace & Presence
Living in Gratitude
Flowing with Creativity
Abundance & Collaboration
Love of Self
BEing Enough